Refund Policy



We are not offering the any return policy after the successful payment of membership but in case of double payment by mistake it will be refunded within 72 hours.

Membership Fees:

1. One time subscription for membership of Power Engineers and Employees Association shall be Rs.200/- . These members shall remain the member of association for whole of their service life in the companies after giving the annual subscription.
2. Annual subscription fee of PEEA should be Rs.300/- and each member of association shall pay this fee annually.
3. Life time membership fee for Power Engineers and Employees Association shall be Rs.2000/-
4. It is obligatory on the part of member to clear all dues/directly with the office bearer/ authorized representative of association, failing which the member shall loose all the privileges / benefits of being member of association, If default exceeds six months.
5. Under special cases / emergencies C.E.C. may collect the subscription on advance basis and may collect special fee or contribution from the members of the association.
6. Association may accept donation from outsiders and specific money receipt shall be issued under the signature of secretary (finance).
7. Association may collect the money from the members in any emergency for the important issues after joint permission of C.E.C.